Ian Stewart
12 produits trouvés
Vous qui avez peur des équations, ne passez pas votre chemin ! Les équations possèdent des pouvoirs cachés. Elles révèlent les secrets les plus intimes de la nature.Leur pouvoir caché est immense Elles révèlent les secrets les plus intimes de l'univers Apprenez à apprivoiser les équations et à en faire vos complices. Vous qui avez peur des équations, et vous qui croyez déjà les connaître, ne passez pas votre chemin ! Venez découvrir la beauté et la force insoupçonnées de cette création purement humaine amorcée voilà des millénaires... Les équations ont changé le monde. Chacune d'entre elles possède une histoire extraordinaire que nous fait découvrir ici, dans un langage accessible à tous et plein d'humour, l'un des meilleurs vulgarisateurs des mathématiques, Ian Stewart.
E = mc2, la plus célèbre, indique avec une simplicité quasi enfantine que masse et énergie sont intimement liées. Une formule due au génie d'Albert Einstein, et d'une telle profondeur qu'elle a fait entrer l'humanité dans l'ère nucléaire... C'est grâce au théorème de Pythagore, aux propriétés magiques des logarithmes ou des nombres imaginaires, à l'équation de Schrdinger dévoilant les mystères quantiques, que le monde a connu un progrès inouï, que nous avons su calculer la superficie d'un champ ou la distance des étoiles, fabriquer des radars, des lasers, des fusées, évaluer l'efficacité d'un médicament lors d'un essai clinique, communiquer à distance par ondes radio, dialoguer sur Internet...
Avec les équations, nous pouvons rêver aux trous noirs, aux voyages interplanétaires, au Big Bang... et espérer, car le magnifique patrimoine de l'humanité qu'elles constituent ne s'érode pas. Ce sont des géantes sur les épaules desquelles nous pourrons éternellement grimper pour créer notre avenir.
Un ouvrage enthousiasmant ! -
Les dés jouent-ils aux dieux? ; les mathématiques de l'incertitude
Ian Stewart
- Dunod
- Quai des Sciences
- 2 Septembre 2020
- 9782100817016
Dans ce livre, Ian Stewart retrace les efforts de la pensée humaine pour faire des prévisions, à l'aide des mathématiques, sur tout ce qui est incertain. Météorologie ou économie, mécanique quantique, justice, mécanisme cérébral d'une prise de décision, hasard ou nécessité génétique... Stewart explore les nombreuses applications des probabilités et nous fait comprendre que, malgré tous nos efforts, une probabilité raisonnable reste la seule certitude!
Bill Struth is the most celebrated Manager in the history of Rangers Football Club. In his 34 year tenure, he led the club to 30 major trophies and nurtured many of the club's greatest players. To them, he was simply 'Mr. Struth' - a father figure who guided them with the principle that, '... to be a Ranger is to sense the sacred trust of upholding all that such a name means in this shrine of football.'
If these words set the ideals for his players to attain, his own personal life was clouded by moments of indiscretion which were to influence the course of his life and career.
Drawing on family accounts and Rangers archives, the book explores his early life in Edinburgh and Fife, as well as his celebrated years in Glasgow. It recounts his career in professional athletics and in football with Heart of Midlothian, Clyde and ultimately, Rangers. It reflects on the legacy of the Struth era and his influences that remain at Ibrox today. -
A mathematical sightseeing tour of the natural world from the author of THE MAGICAL MAZE
Why do many flowers have five or eight petals, but very few six or seven? Why do snowflakes have sixfold symmetry? Why do tigers have stripes but leopards have spots?
Mathematics is to nature as Sherlock Holmes is to evidence. Mathematics can look at a single snowflake and deduce the atomic geometry of its crystals; it can start with a violin string and uncover the existence of radio waves. And mathematics still has the power to open our eyes to new and unsuspected regularities - the secret structure of a cloud or the hidden rhythms of the weather. There are patterns in the world we are now seeing for the first time - patterns at the frontier of science, yet patterns so simple that anybody can see them once they know where to look. -
Les divagations mathématiques de Ian Stewart
Ian Stewart
- Dunod
- Hors Collection
- 31 Août 2011
- 9782100569793
Comment transformer un cornet de glace en cube ? Quelle est la forme d'une larme ? Ian Stewart propose une nouvelle sélection de 20 explorations mathématiques, du voyage dans le temps au comportement bizarre d'objets familiers... Nous y découvrons entre autres la cadence mathématiques d'une marche de quadrupèdes, la relation entre nombres premiers et sauts de kangourous et, bien évidemment, la meilleure façon de se faire des noeuds au cerveau.
Transactional Analysis Counselling in Action
Ian Stewart
- SAGE Publications Ltd
- 23 Octobre 2013
- 9781446293201
Selling over 25,000 copies across three editions, this book provides an unrivalled introduction to the core concepts and basic techniques of Transactional Analysis (TA). Ian Stewart guides the reader step-by-step through the successive stages in using TA to create therapeutic change, building understanding of the way the approach works in real-life practice. Key features of this new edition include: -a single extended case study running through the book -'Key ideas' panels to summarize the main ideas in each section -Detailed discussion of 'closing the escape hatches': TA's distinctive approach to resolving the issues of suicide, self-harm or violence -Practice Checklists offering suggested questions readers can use to appraise their own work with clients at strategic points in the text - Space for Reflection sections and Further Reading lists to conclude each chapter. This bestselling textbook offers trainee and practising psychotherapists and counsellors a concise, hands-on exploration of current concepts and techniques in Transactional Analysis. Ian Stewart is Co-Director of The Berne Institute, Nottingham. He is the author of Eric Berne (SAGE, 1992) and Developing Transactional Analysis Counselling (SAGE, 1996), and co-author of TA Today (2nd edn, Lifespace, 2012).
Developing Transactional Analysis Counselling
Ian Stewart
- SAGE Publications Ltd
- 19 Avril 1996
- 9781446226506
`This is an excellent book. Whilst specifically aimed at the "newer counsellor", this book contains much that will be of interest to experienced practitioners both within and outside of TA... this book is an excellent guide to implementing TA techniques and treatment planning particularly from a process model perspective. It incorporates many new ideas which will make it refreshing and inspiring for both new and experienced counsellors and psychotherapists' - ITA News
This concise workbook provides 30 practical suggestions to help practising counsellors develop and enhance their Transactional Analysis (TA) counselling skills.
After a brief introductory section that summarizes the essentials of TA theory and technique, the book covers crucial aspects of best practice in current TA, many of them unavailable in book form until now. Presenting new and wide-ranging material, each of the 30 suggestions - which are supported by useful case examples - encourages both experienced and trainee counsellors to think carefully about their work and how it can be made even more effective. Ian Stewart provides much-needed practical guidance to such key areas as contract-making, time-frames and the Process Model. -
Geological Setting, Palaeoenvironment and Archaeology of the Red Sea
Najeeb M.A. Rasul, Ian C.F. Stewart
- Springer
- 5 Décembre 2018
- 9783319994086
This book gathers invited contributions from active researchers to provide an up-to-date overview of the geological setting of the Red Sea. It discusses aspects ranging from historical information to modern research in the Red Sea, and presents findings from rapidly advancing, emerging fields. This semi-enclosed young ocean basin provides a unique opportunity to study the development of passive continental margins in order to examine the current status of that region. In addition to studies on the Sea itself, it includes those from related fields on the littoral zone. The book is of interest to geoscientists and non-specialists alike.
This book presents a broad overview of the current state of knowledge regarding the Red Sea, from its geological formation and oceanographic development to the environmental influences on its ecology and the changes it is experiencing due to the rapid development of its coastlines and role as one of the world's major transport routes. The book gathers invited contributions from researchers with an interest in the geology, geophysics, oceanography and environment of the Red Sea, while also providing comprehensive new data and a complete review of the literature. It will be of interest not only to researchers actively studying the sea and its surroundings, but will also appeal to all those involved in planning and managing the Red Sea, its environment, its resources and the countries which rely on its existence.
Oceanographic and Biological Aspects of the Red Sea
Najeeb M.A. Rasul, Ian C.F. Stewart
- Springer
- 6 Décembre 2018
- 9783319994178
This book includes invited contributions presenting the latest research on the oceanography and environment of the Red Sea. In addition to covering topics relevant to research in the region and providing insights into marine science for non-experts, it is also of interest to those involved in the management of coastal zones and encourages further research on the Red Sea
Preventing the Proliferation of WMDs
Daniel Salisbury, Andrea Viski, Ian J. Stewart
- Palgrave Pivot
- 10 Avril 2018
- 9783319722030
This edited volume provides a fresh analysis for researcher and practitioners regarding United Nations Security Council resolution 1540, the status of its implementation, and its future by providing an original evaluation of progress in implementation and challenges faced during the resolution's first decade. In doing so, the book will consider the resolution's utility as a non-proliferation tool with a view to identifying what further actions are required for the objectives and goals embodied by UNSCR 1540 to be achieved and sustained. The book progresses by exploring the history of the resolution, implementation trends, implementation from a regional perspective, challenges, and future ways forward. The book appeals to a wide readership of scholars, policymakers, and other stakeholders of the 1540 process.
From Electrons to Elephants and Elections
Ian Stewart, Shyam Wuppuluri
- Springer
- 8 Avril 2022
- 9783030921927
This highly interdisciplinary book, covering more than six fields, from philosophy and sciences all the way up to the humanities and with contributions from eminent authors, addresses the interplay between content and context, reductionism and holism and their meeting point: the notion of emergence. Much of today's science is reductionist (bottom-up); in other words, behaviour on one level is explained by reducing it to components on a lower level. Chemistry is reduced to atoms, ecosystems are explained in terms of DNA and proteins, etc. This approach fails quickly since we can't cannot extrapolate to the properties of atoms solely from Schrdinger's equation, nor figure out protein folding from an amino acid sequence or obtain the phenotype of an organism from its genotype. An alternative approach to this is holism (top-down). Consider an ecosystem or an organism as a whole: seek patterns on the same scale. Model a galaxy not as 400 billion-point masses (stars) but as an object inits own right with its own properties (spiral, elliptic). Or a hurricane as a structured form of moist air and water vapour. Reductionism is largely about content, whereas holistic models are more attuned to context. Reductionism (content) and holism (context) are not opposing philosophies in fact, they work best in tandem. Join us on a journey to understand the multifaceted dialectic concerning this duo and how they shape the foundations of sciences and humanities, our thoughts and, the very nature of reality itself.