Christopher Wilson
4 produits trouvés
L'une des histoires d'amour les plus médiatiques du XXe siècle tiendrait-elle du mensonge ? Cette enquête mondaine sur la vie privée du duc et de la duchesse de Windsor nous révèle le scandale des scandales.Décembre 1936. Le prince Edward VIII, dans un geste " d'amour fou ", renonce à son trône et abandonne l'empire britannique pour une Américaine doublement divorcée, Wallis Simpson. Ce coup d'éclat transforme les amants déchus en couple iconique du xxe siècle. Admirés. Intouchables. Mais, contre toute attente, Wallis Simpson s'entiche ensuite d'un jeune playboy homosexuel et richissime, avec qui elle partage de longues nuits aux quatre coins du globe.
Blond et charismatique, Jimmy Donahue sait tout faire : piloter un avion, parler plusieurs langues, danser et jouer du piano. Doté de charme et d'esprit, adoré de tous, le petit-fils du milliardaire Frank W. Woolworth profite de sa position sociale et de sa fortune pour multiplier les frasques. Ses conquêtes sont exclusivement masculines jusqu'à sa rencontre, en 1950, avec le duc et la duchesse de Windsor. En dépit de leur différence d'âge, l'attirance physique entre Wallis et Jimmy est immédiate. Ils vont former, avec Edward, un trio inséparable, devenant les meilleurs amis du monde...
Voici l'histoire scandaleuse d'un trio amoureux dont personne n'est sorti indemne. Une enquête inédite et méticuleuse menée par l'incomparable Christopher Wilson, qui ose lever le voile sur les désirs coupables d'un couple mythique.
Avant, il y avait deux Windsor ; désormais, ils étaient trois. Jimmy était avec le duc et la duchesse à New York, à Palm Beach, à Paris - toujours à rire, maniéré, pétillant. Jimmy avec ses blagues, Jimmy avec son argent, Jimmy avec ses histoires et ses grossièretés - Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy...
" Sulfureux " Paris Match
" L'enquête la plus complète sur les secrets de la haute société britannique. " The Times
" Les lecteurs vont adorer [...] ce récit horrible et fascinant de la relation la plus étrange et nocive de l'histoire récente. " The Observer -
Radiology at a Glance
Rajat Chowdhury, Iain Wilson, Christopher Rofe, Rajat Lloyd-Jones
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 8 Septembre 2017
- 9781118914786
Radiology at a Glance The market-leading at a Glance series is popular among healthcare students, and newly qualified practitioners for its concise and simple approach and excellent illustrations. Each bite-sized chapter is covered in a double-page spread with clear, easy-to-follow diagrams, supported by succinct explanatory text. Covering a wide range of topics, books in the at a Glance series are ideal as introductory texts for teaching, learning and revision, and are useful throughout university and beyond. Everything you need to know about Radiology... at a Glance! Addressing the basic concepts of radiological physics and radiation protection, together with a structured approach to image interpretation, Radiology at a Glance is the perfect guide for medical students, junior doctors and radiologists. Covering the radiology of plain films, fluoroscopy, CT, MRI, intervention, nuclear medicine and mammography, this edition has been fully updated to reflect advances in the field and now contains new spreads on cardiac, breast and bowel imaging, as well as further information on interventional radiology. Radiology at a Glance: Assumes no prior knowledge of radiology Addresses both theory and clinical practice through theoretical and case-based chapters Provides structured help in assessing which radiological procedures are most appropriate for specific clinical problems Includes increased image clarity Supported by `classic cases' chapters in each section, and presented in a clear and concise format, Radiology at a Glance is easily accessible whether on the ward or as a quick revision guide. For more information on the complete range of Wiley medical student and junior doctor publishing, please visit: To receive automatic updates on Wiley books and journals, join our email list. Sign up today at All content reviewed by students for students Wiley Medical Education books are designed exactly for their intended audience. All of our books are developed in collaboration with students. This means that our books are always published with you, the student, in mind. If you would like to be one of our student reviewers, go to to find out more. This title is also available as an e-book. For more details, please see
Radiology at a Glance
Rajat Chowdhury, Iain Wilson, Christopher Rofe, Graham Lloyd-Jones
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 8 Septembre 2017
- 9781118914793
Radiology at a Glance The market-leading at a Glance series is popular among healthcare students, and newly qualified practitioners for its concise and simple approach and excellent illustrations. Each bite-sized chapter is covered in a double-page spread with clear, easy-to-follow diagrams, supported by succinct explanatory text. Covering a wide range of topics, books in the at a Glance series are ideal as introductory texts for teaching, learning and revision, and are useful throughout university and beyond. Everything you need to know about Radiology... at a Glance! Addressing the basic concepts of radiological physics and radiation protection, together with a structured approach to image interpretation, Radiology at a Glance is the perfect guide for medical students, junior doctors and radiologists. Covering the radiology of plain films, fluoroscopy, CT, MRI, intervention, nuclear medicine and mammography, this edition has been fully updated to reflect advances in the field and now contains new spreads on cardiac, breast and bowel imaging, as well as further information on interventional radiology. Radiology at a Glance: Assumes no prior knowledge of radiology Addresses both theory and clinical practice through theoretical and case-based chapters Provides structured help in assessing which radiological procedures are most appropriate for specific clinical problems Includes increased image clarity Supported by `classic cases' chapters in each section, and presented in a clear and concise format, Radiology at a Glance is easily accessible whether on the ward or as a quick revision guide. For more information on the complete range of Wiley medical student and junior doctor publishing, please visit: To receive automatic updates on Wiley books and journals, join our email list. Sign up today at All content reviewed by students for students Wiley Medical Education books are designed exactly for their intended audience. All of our books are developed in collaboration with students. This means that our books are always published with you, the student, in mind. If you would like to be one of our student reviewers, go to to find out more. This title is also available as an e-book. For more details, please see
Striking the right fit between resources, processes, and outcomes in complex environments, where different groups have something to contribute towards joint outcomes, even though they partake in joint operations in the pursuit of their own objectives This is what intelligent governance is all about. It is the practical application of an evolving worldview that is a less conflictive, more intelligent, more cooperative and a wiser mode of human coordination. This short book proposes some guideposts for intelligent governance.
It does not put forward a rigid blueprint or a recipe that could mechanically and blindly be followed, but a prototype for a process of inquiry seeking to help organizations find a way forward (through innovation and value adding), some general indications about the most toxic pitfalls likely to materialize mental prisons, lack of mindfulness, etc. and comments about the most promising opportunities or initiatives likely to nudge the coordinating inquiries into successful directions.Striking the right fit between resources, processes, and outcomes in complex environments, where different groups have something to contribute towards joint outcomes, even though they partake in joint operations in the pursuit of their own objectives This is what intelligent governance is all about. It is the practical application of an evolving worldview that is a less conflictive, more intelligent, more cooperative and a wiser mode of human coordination. This short book proposes some guideposts for intelligent governance.
It does not put forward a rigid blueprint or a recipe that could mechanically and blindly be followed, but a prototype for a process of inquiry seeking to help organizations find a way forward (through innovation and value adding), some general indications about the most toxic pitfalls likely to materialize mental prisons, lack of mindfulness, etc. and comments about the most promising opportunities or initiatives likely to nudge the coordinating inquiries into successful directions.